General Meeting, Book Swap, and Just Food Hub!

January 15, 2025 0 Comments

Pile of colorful books. Image: Kimberly Farmer, week, CVRAN is holding our first general meeting of 2025. We hope that you’ll be able to join us and learn what’s ahead in the new year.

The Just Food Hub will have their tasty ethically sourced food available for purchase. As in the past, a portion of your purchase from Just Food Hub will benefit CVRAN.

This year, we are adding a Book Swap to our general meeting. If you have books with themes connected to CVRAN’s mission that you no longer want, please bring them to share with other CVRAN members. Topics could include migration, immigration, refugees, adapting to life in a new place, or stories of new Vermonters.

Hope to see you on January 21, 2025 from 5-6:30 at the Unitarian Church in Montpelier.