Letter from the President: A DISASTER AT HOME

July 30, 2023 0 Comments

July, 2023 Almost everywhere we look, Central Vermont has been impacted by this terrible and historic flood of July 10th, 2023. There is devastation on every side. Many of us have personal experience of being flooded ourselves or knowing others who have lost homes and businesses, or many possessions. Not only do we personally know …

Affordable Housing Update!

Toy house with key. Image: Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash.com
July 2, 2023 0 Comments

It’s time to celebrate, give thanks, and recalibrate! On June 30th, all the pieces came together and through the work of many people, a large CVRAN family can continue to live in the home they have occupied for 18 months. The deed for the home was transferred to an entity that will make that property …