Magical Mirror Reflects CVRAN
![birds in a mirror on the grass. Jovis Aloor,](
October 31, 2024
Dear CVRAN Community,
Let me give you a treat. Have you ever collectively looked in the mirror? There are amazing views to see.
First and foremost, there are our new neighbors, settling into Central Vermont, having found a new home where they are welcomed, contributing members of our society. The Montpelier schoolyards have diversity: Afghans, Venezuelans, children from the Democratic Republic of the Congo… children who were not here before. Ben and Jerry’s, the Montpelier/Roxbury Public Schools, Tatro’s Appliances, Open Sash Window Retrofit, hotels and construction crews, and the Gary Home are all most happy to have solid workers showing up at their doors. One man is about to get his nursing degree; another is studying to be an L.N.A.; a woman is gradually creating her own business. An increasing number of these new Vermonters are receiving asylum. For one man, that means his family is allowed to join him; another hopes his will come soon.
At our quarterly general meetings, we hear from these new friends of ours. One high school junior spoke warmly about his CVRAN English tutor and his second summer at Camp Hosmer. His twin sisters spoke of how they too had been able to go to Camp Hosmer and Camp Exclamation Point because of connections made by CVRAN. Memories of getting new glasses, medical appointments, obtaining a used car, and even attendance at the parents’ marriage ceremony were shared. Another man spoke of how difficult his quest for safety had been: first leaving his family and home country in danger of his life, traveling to many other countries, and then to the United States, and then to different cities in the United States before he found a home here. Joyfully, this man recently hosted many of his new friends here for a beautiful Cameroonian dinner in honor of getting his asylum.
Secondly, you would see reflected all the volunteers working for CVRAN, our essential support fabric. In September, 40 participants gathered in the Unitarian Church – New Vermonters and volunteers alike. The cross section of volunteers included persons brand new to what we were doing, to drivers and readers at summer programs, to those helping on newcomer teams, team leaders, a website editor, a translator, a volunteer coordinator, a treasurer and assistant treasurer, board members, heads of committees… the list goes on. We are proud to announce two wonderful new volunteers who have stepped up for special positions: Yolanda Bonsah, a college student who will be our new volunteer coordinator, and Joyce Manchester, who will be our new treasurer, a recent retiree from the Joint Fiscal Office.
Finally, you would see the backbones of our organization in this magical mirror, and if you had strong ears you might hear the mirror abuzz with all that is happening there. Our strong leadership continues. The nominating committee has found four wonderful new board members for our spring elections. A highly qualified treasurer has stepped forward. The job description for the executive director is being advertised. A four unit apartment building on Hubbard Street is being prepared for newcomer use by the spring. A fundraising letter is being circulated (read it here), our first ever annual campaign, aimed at raising $100,000. Already $10,000 of that has come in! You are invited to share the appeal letter with your friends and family. Other fundraising plans are in the works – look for a post coming about that very soon.
Altogether the view in the mirror is one of a robust, growing organization. There is continual new growth, a steady rotation of leadership, overall financial stability, and a deep sense of partnership, enrichment, and success among us all: new arrivals and old timers.
Special Notice
Do you want to step up? We are looking for a person or 2 persons to volunteer to coordinate direct service work.
Do you want to understand more? What is the impact of trauma on refugee and asylum seeker lives? Register for a workshop on trauma in November, and watch for follow-ups. An announcement is coming soon with more information.