CVRAN And Downstreet Partner Again For New Americans

September 26, 2024 0 Comments

At our general meeting last week, we learned that CVRAN and Downstreet Housing are partnering again to fix up a multi-unit house in Montpelier. This four unit building would include space for families and individuals. The new housing should be available for refugees and asylum seekers in Spring 2025.

On their fundraising page, Downstreet had this to say about CVRAN:

Operating almost entirely through volunteer efforts, CVRAN members extend their unwavering support to families from the moment they arrive. Volunteer sponsor families open their homes to offer temporary homestays until permanent housing solutions are found, and help to navigate the myriad challenges these families face upon arrival in the United States.

By providing additional wraparound services including transportation, legal assistance, living expenses, finding medical care, registering children for school and extracurricular activities, English language tutoring and language interpretation, career development, and more, CVRAN ensures that those in need receive comprehensive support.