Volunteer Spotlight – May 2024 (Updated)

May 28, 2024 0 Comments

Volunteer Spotlight on: Wendy Dale

Town: Montpelier

When did you start volunteering with CVRAN? I’ve been involved with CVRAN since its beginnings about 9 years ago. The volunteer opportunities have changed a lot since that time.

What is the most recent volunteer role you have filled? In December of 2021, I was asked to be a ‘family friend’ of a newly arriving family of 8 from Afghanistan. They happened to be placed in a rental home very close to mine. Together with my husband we enlisted a team of support and have continued in that role ever since. They have become like family to us!

What made you want to volunteer for CVRAN? It was an opportunity to try and contribute to the ongoing refugee plight in our world. Rather than feeling helpless, it was a chance to try and help in some small way.

Tell us about a time that was especially meaningful for you in your work with CVRAN. It’s all meaningful! I am inspired by the courage shown by the adults as they work to create a new life for themselves and their family in a culture so different from their own. The children’s involvement in school, in sports and their friendships warms my heart.

What have you learned about yourself and/or others through volunteering with CVRAN? I learned that we have an amazing community of people who are generous with their time and talents. The outpouring of assistance in so many ways has been truly amazing. I’ve examined my life through new eyes and more fully appreciate the life I too often take for granted.

If you could encourage someone else to volunteer with CVRAN, what would you say? Are you looking for a way to something to make the world a better place? I know just the opportunity! The time you contribute will be offset by the rewards you will feel from knowing you are helping to make a difference.

What is a hobby you enjoy when NOT engaged in volunteer work? I am waiting for some sunshine to that I can work in my flower and vegetable gardens!

CVRAN’s Volunteer Spotlight helps us get to know one another despite being from different towns and helping CVRAN in different ways. If you would like to volunteer for CVRAN, or you used to but haven’t for awhile, please reach out to Liza Earle-Centers, our Volunteer Coordinator (cvran.volunteers@gmail.com) and she’ll be happy to help connect you to a just-right role for YOU.

Image: Dakota Corbin on Unsplash.com.

Wendy’s name was misspelled in the previous version of this article. The error has been corrected and we are resending the post with the correct spelling. We apologize for the mistake.